The Purity Network | Freewater Student Ministries
Wed, May 24

Time & Location
May 24, 2023, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Winston-Salem, 11141 Old U.S. Hwy 52, Winston-Salem, NC 27107, USA
About the Event
We are so excited for what is taking place in FSM. The Lord is moving in such a powerful way with these students! On behalf of the FSM Leadership Team, we want to say thank you for allowing us to teach and encourage your students in the things of God.
This May, FSM students will begin a new series titled, “The Purity Network”. This program is designed to protect teens from Satan’s hacks, by downloading the content of God’s truth.
Freewater Student Ministries’ Leaders will instruct a comprehensive course of purity classes which will include: the benefits of waiting, the dangers of impurity, what it means to make a promise to God, and how to honor God with their body.
The “Purity Network” curriculum (ages 12-18) is to prepare our young students to care about themselves and abide by what the Word of God says about purity. They will learn of the scientific, physiological, and spiritual benefits & or consequences of either decision. The “Purity Network”curriculum is designed to support young people in making healthy choices— to abstain from sexual activity, seek the wisdom of the Lord, to have ways to fight against temptation, and how to live a life of purity in alignment with the Word of God.
A permisison slip must be filled out and signed by parent/legal guardian to partcipate in these classes. Please click the link below to register your child.
Lesson Plans Include:
The Purity of Mind:
-Examples of real life temptations in-person and online.
-How to protect the mind from the attacks of the enemy.
-How to feed your mind with the healthy things of God.
-How to keep thoughts pure through hearing, seeing, and speaking.
The Purity of Body:
-The importance of modesty and representing the image of Christ.
-Understanding what it means to form a “Soul Tie”.
-Examples of real life situations & consequences that may follow (Teen Pregnancy, STD’s,
Body Shaming, Self-Harm, Mental-Health..etc.)
-The understanding of what it means to date, what sexual intimacy is designed for (marriage), and the responsibility it requires.
The Promise:
-The Seriousness of the Promise— What it means to make a covenant with God & to
remain pure.
-The terms and conditions of what a promise of purity requires.
-Possibilities of what can happen when a promise is broken.
-The Benefits of the Promise of purity (Relationship with God, attracting a godly spouse,
no guilt or shame, credibility & reputation…etc).
Lessons will be taught by Freewater Student Ministries’ Leadership as well as guest speakers, which will include a medical professional.
Overnighter: Boys and girls will be in separate locations. This lesson will be a time of fellowship and candid conversations. Boys will be staying with male youth leaders at Pastor Elliott’s farm property, and girls will stay with female leaders at the Sams’ home.
We recognize parents/guardians as the primary educators of their children. We encourage students to share with their parents/guardians what we discuss in these classes. If you have any questions or concerns, or would like to review the resources for this program, please contact Pastor Melissa through email or phone call: or (951) 830-8456.
It is understood that permission has been granted for your child to participate in the 4 week program with the following understandings of purity classes followed by a ceremony of public declaration to remain pure.
I understand that my child will be participating in a thorough comprehensive curriculum that teaches them about real temptations and preventions.
I understand that my child will develop skills of respect and how to appreciate themselves, their families, and all persons.
If you DO NOT want your son/daughter to participate in this program or for a particular lesson, please email
Again, parents must sign a permission slip for each participating student.
Purity Network Lesson Schedule
May 10th: The Purity of the Mind.
May 17th: The Purity of the Body.
May 19th- 20th: Overnighter (Boys & Girls in separate locations).
May 24th: The Promise Part 1: The Seriousness of the Promise.
May 31st: The Promise Part 2: The Benefits of the Promise.
June 4th: The Ceremony at 6:00pm. (Students invite family & friends to this special ceremony).
Cost for Jewelry
Purity Ring (Senior Girls): $25.99
Purity Ring (Senior Guys): $21.99
Purity Charm Bracelet (Girls): $24.78 (after first year, a new charm will be added to bracelets, pricing TBD upon selection).
Purity Dog Tags (Guys): $26.95
* Freewater Church will pay half of the cost for jewelry, for regular attending students. Parents are financially responsible for the remaining balance.*